Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

The forecast character 31 December 2017, Redite Keliwon Medangkungan - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 31 December 2017
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Redite Keliwon)
    Lintang Lawean, Very rarely speaks, but the conversation when resisted upset. Happy and smart review so that the listener feel good conversation. Not happy ruled, but a sense of fun for studying.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Medangkungan)
    The God of Basuki, Budi pekertinya very honest, his mind steady and firm, often forgotten in the self, likes to show off, a little arrogant, many obstacles in his life, fortune smoothly, rather wander.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Capricorn)
    Character like the greatness, power, and reign. You are a genius, intelligent and broad-mindedness. You must be tenacious work to achieve high ideals and noble. Her partner Taurus and Virgo.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Widnyana)
    Long life, beloved priests, attention, love kids, what is desired is often successful, sometimes has a mind of envy, patiently. Dangerous at the age of 5 days, 5 months and 5 years. Died at Pratiti Namarupa.