Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Character Birth 24 January 2023, Anggara Kasih Medangsia - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 24 January 2023
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Anggara Keliwon)
    Lintang Depat, Very smart-spoken and diplomatic. However it is very selective in issuing its opinion. Be generous to others but sometimes often expressed his gift. Glad to find fault with others.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Medangsia)
    The Brahma God, strong and firm personality, always helping others, decisive, never despair, in spending money to be very careful., Rejekinya easily searchable even in difficult circumstances.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Aquarius)
    Honest character, words to be believed, should be used as a companion role model. To achieve the lofty ideals, you must be diligent, friendly and obliging. Her partner Gemini, Libra.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Awidya)
    Long life, rarely get into trouble, all of which work well done. When having difficulty quickly solved, quite a treasure. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Saskara.