Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Forecast Nature and Characters Someone, Birth Date of 14 January 2025

Horoscope Capricorn, Personality and the Fate Someone, Birth date of 14 January 2025 (Purnama Kepitu, Anggara Umanis Wayang)
  • Influence of Wewaran (Anggara Umanis)
    Lintang Kuda, Rather greedy nature. Many things he wanted. All decisions are difficult to change because it is a strong principle. Has a pretty deep hatred so hard to forget.
  • Influence of Wuku (Wayang)
    The Sri God, Smooth personal, sociable, sensitive feelings, said the language is smooth and attractive, likes to help people, like flattered, subtle but orders can not be refuted.
  • Horoscope (Capricorn)
    Character like the greatness, power, and reign. You are a genius, intelligent and broad-mindedness. You must be tenacious work to achieve high ideals and noble. Her partner Taurus and Virgo.
  • Influence of Pratiti (Saskara)
    Long life, rich, many friends, often encounter difficulties. Dangerous at the age of 8 days, 8 months, dna 8 years. Died at Pratiti Widnyana.
  • Eka Wara: -
  • Dwi Wara: Menga
  • Tri Wara: Beteng
    Clever perform worship.
  • Catur Wara: Jaya
    Firm stance, but like envy so difficult to get pleasure.
  • Panca Wara: Umanis
    Dare to speak, Love arbitrary actions.
  • Sad Wara: Was
    Jolly, good and suitable lure animals in the forest. Has a mind and a broad outlook.
  • Sapta Wara: Anggara
    Do not do heavy work / important because it will cause trouble if not careful once. Diligent work although the heavy moreover light.
  • Asta Wara: Kala
    His mind was greedy. Like making people suffer distress.
  • Sanga Wara: Jangur
    Evil. Brash (reckless). Glad do people suffer/hard. Tigers emblem
  • Dasa Wara: Dewa
    Clever, thoughtful, and authoritative.
  • Wuku: Wayang
    The Sri God, Smooth personal, sociable, sensitive feelings, said the language is smooth and attractive, likes to help people, like flattered, subtle but orders can not be refuted.
  • Lintang: Kuda
    Rather greedy nature. Many things he wanted. All decisions are difficult to change because it is a strong principle. Has a pretty deep hatred so hard to forget.
  • Purnama-Tilem: Purnama
    What were they thinking clearly, Pleased with sacred activities.
  • Eka Jala Resi: Buat merang
    Be ashamed.
  • Pararasan: Laku api
    Like angry, hot coals, said he had given origin only, not pay attention to the face of the water, dashing amusement he joked, his desire to settle quickly.
  • Panca Suda: Wisesa segara
    Love and a lot to give forgiveness. Straight attitude, the feelings, big influence.
  • Pratiti Samut Pada: Saskara
    Long life, rich, many friends, often encounter difficulties. Dangerous at the age of 8 days, 8 months, dna 8 years. Died at Pratiti Widnyana.
  • Symbol
    The Sea-Goat (Capricorn}
  • Health
    When still children up to 7 years old, the health is not so good, often sick, usually colds, cough, abdominal bloating. But along with increasing the age, his/her health has improved. Therefore, the health should be special attended until he/she reaches adulthood. If sickly time has passed, He/She will be resistant to various diseases that can achieve longevity.
  • Character
    Glad pretend shy, but actually want to stand out. Aloof, sometimes hesitant and suspicious. However, if the decision has been taken, his stance is powerful. Glad praised according to their qualifications. Dare to be responsible, resilient and resourceful in the calculation of profit and loss. Tends to orthodoxy and love the tradition. Save money and a bit stingy, yet loves to help people who need help. Resilient in the works. Their Weakness: grumpy, irritable, usually thought of difficulty in depth. It is hard to forgive people who have broken a promise.
  • Occupation
    Journalist, author, diplomat (politics), leader, educator, playwright, merchant. For women working in hospitals, models, trade and government offices.
  • Mate
    Intelligent people should give excitement to him, among others, the starry Virgo, Taurus and Libra.
  • Day
  • Colour
    Dark green
  • Gemstones
    Agaat stone, white Onyx and Moonstone.
  • Numeral
    8 or numbers that are combined into 8, for example 35, 53, 71, and so on.

It is different from the number 5, the most prominent of the character for life line 6 is a sense of great responsibility. You idealistic, and happier if useful to others. The greatest contribution you give in this life is to provide advice, service and support. The life line of the theme is leadership because of its ability to lead by example and willingness to take responsibility. It makes you always willing to bear the burden of the group and are ready to help. You often compelled to act with strength and compassion. You sympathetic, and happy to share with others, whether it helps in terms of mental and material. Wisdom, balance, and understanding are some of your character.

Your ability to understand other people's problems, and it has become your character since childhood, so there is no problem in dealing with people young and old. You are willing to expend more energy than required, and can always be relied upon by the family. Realistic look at life, for you are the most important in life is the home, family and friends. Certainly there is a negative side in each person, for lifeline 6, you should avoid the tendency of too many to accept responsibility and enslaved by others.

Also, avoid too much to criticize (themselves or to others). If nurtured bad character, then there is a tendency to exaggeration, and self-righteous themselves, although not always evolving like this. Also to be avoided, trying to impose its own and take care of other people's problems. Because it always felt to be responsible, then load it carries will be very heavy, even so, if once in a while you are forced to not feel responsible, you will be feeling guilty and will impact detrimental to relationships with others.