The forecast character 13 December 2023, Hari Urip (Buda Pon Watugunung) - English Desktop Version
- Influence of the Wewaran (Buda Pon)
Lintang Lumbung, Polished behavior. Words and their behavior to circumstances, not making it up. Have a good work. Always consider the circumstances friend, but a little excited to show off wealth. Feel themselves more so pleased revered
- Influence of the Wuku (Watugunung)
The Antaboga God, temperament shy, quiet not much to say, less happy to hang out, prefer solitude, always restless, like fantasize nonsensical, envy, jealousy, but he felt fine and sharp, has a high sense of responsibility.
- Influence of the Horoscope (Sagitarius)
Rampart in the establishment. Not easily discouraged. In his life was not familiar with the term fail. Once failed to be tried again. You have a talent in mysticism. Her partner Aries, Leo, and Libra.
- Influence of the Pratiti (Saskara)
Long life, rich, many friends, often encounter difficulties. Dangerous at the age of 8 days, 8 months, dna 8 years. Died at Pratiti Widnyana.