The forecast Primbon 27 November 2024, Buda Pon Medangkungan - English Desktop Version
- Influence of the Wewaran (Buda Pon)
Lintang Lumbung, Polished behavior. Words and their behavior to circumstances, not making it up. Have a good work. Always consider the circumstances friend, but a little excited to show off wealth. Feel themselves more so pleased revered
- Influence of the Wuku (Medangkungan)
The God of Basuki, Budi pekertinya very honest, his mind steady and firm, often forgotten in the self, likes to show off, a little arrogant, many obstacles in his life, fortune smoothly, rather wander.
- Influence of the Horoscope (Sagitarius)
Rampart in the establishment. Not easily discouraged. In his life was not familiar with the term fail. Once failed to be tried again. You have a talent in mysticism. Her partner Aries, Leo, and Libra.
- Influence of the Pratiti (Awidya)
Long life, rarely get into trouble, all of which work well done. When having difficulty quickly solved, quite a treasure. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Saskara.