Horoscope 29 September 2024, Redite Wage Kuningan - English Desktop Version
- Influence of the Wewaran (Redite Wage)
Lintang Uluku, Hard-working and always trying, never wearied work. Glad to create wealth emit, loyal and very generous to his friend. Feeling upset and not happy when there were hindering his opinion.
- Influence of the Wuku (Kuningan)
The God of Indra, Clever taking care of others, a bit arrogant, but is responsible for the work, less socially, shy demeanor, this is hampering his career.
- Influence of the Horoscope (Libra)
Sociable character, friendly and love peace. But very fond of debauchery. You should choose a job that matches your hobby so that the your life really beneficial physically and spiritually. Her partner Aries, Aquarius, and Gemini.
- Influence of the Pratiti (Jati)
Temperament brave, loved by his boss, would be rich, honest behavior, a lot of people who love him, solidarity. Dangerous at the age of 5 days, 9 months, and 10 years. Died at Pratiti Jaramarana.