The forecast Primbon 9 April 2024, Anggara Umanis Krulut - English Desktop Version
- Influence of the Wewaran (Anggara Umanis)
Lintang Kuda, Rather greedy nature. Many things he wanted. All decisions are difficult to change because it is a strong principle. Has a pretty deep hatred so hard to forget.
- Influence of the Wuku (Krulut)
The God of Vishnu, is very intelligent, strong memory power, thoughtful, consistent in action, stoic face of suffering, rather spender, confident in everything, good fortune.
- Influence of the Horoscope (Aries)
Strong personality and intelligent mind. Could be a good and loyal friend. In order to achieve a noble and glorious purpose, must strive earnestly and diligently. His partner Leo and Sagittarius.
- Influence of the Pratiti (Separsa)
Like to exchange ideas, clever speech, will be rich, arrogant, sometimes envy, a lot of talent. Dangerous at the age of 2 days, 5 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Wedana.