Horoscope Forecast 11 May 2024 - English Desktop Version
- Tri Wara: Kajeng
Happy talk and wasteful so often get into trouble.
- Catur Wara: Sri
Glad flattering/praise. His heart is peaceful and clean.
- Panca Wara: Pon
Happy frolic, and like to look for friend.
- Sad Wara: Urukung
Often forgotten. Good/suitable to be a hunter, but not to destroy the forest.
- Sapta Wara: Saniscara
His mind is good, it should be so careful. Wise, so it would make a great protector.
- Asta Wara: Sri
Have a good mind, prosperous, not lack of food and beverages.
- Sanga Wara: Dadi
Whatever done always successfully. Always lucky. Wood tree symbol.
- Dasa Wara: Manusa
Often suffer distress or sadness.
- Wuku: Matal
The God of Sakri, loud and assertive temperament, virtuous, consequent in action, polite, sharp mind, deft in employment, personal fine, good fortune, but its arrogant and difficult to control, can not be ruled, but a lot of friends.
- Lintang: Sungenge
Happy with precious goods, such as gold, silver and jewels. Many people are reluctant to him because it is authoritative. Like charity and defend a friend. The steps are very wise for the sake of the family especially when praised and extolled.
- Purnama-Tilem: Penanggal 3
Glad spoken, somewhat stubborn, but quickly subsided.
- Eka Jala Resi: Tininggalin suka
Less got excited.
- Pararasan: Laku air
Gentle heart, courtesy of gratitude in attitude, a lot of wishful thinking, cool command, will soon be able to become a leader, strong budinya when arguing, is not satisfied that his will thwarted, when families often quarrel.
- Panca Suda: Wisesa segara
Love and a lot to give forgiveness. Straight attitude, the feelings, big influence.
- Pratiti Samut Pada: Sadayatana
Like to argue, many have a desire, smart talk, rarely sick, when traveling will meet safety. Dangerous at the age of 5 days, 5 months, 1 year, 8 years old, and 10 years. Died at Pratiti Separsa.