Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Almanac 12 September 2023 - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 12 September 2023
  • Eka Wara: -
  • Dwi Wara: Menga
  • Tri Wara: Pasah
    Jolly, happy talk, happy to lie to his friends.
  • Catur Wara: Sri
    Glad flattering/praise. His heart is peaceful and clean.
  • Panca Wara: Umanis
    Dare to speak, Love arbitrary actions.
  • Sad Wara: Tungleh
    Glad lie, do embarrassing. Always undecided. Not suitable crops the harvested leaves.
  • Sapta Wara: Anggara
    Do not do heavy work / important because it will cause trouble if not careful once. Diligent work although the heavy moreover light.
  • Asta Wara: Sri
    Have a good mind, prosperous, not lack of food and beverages.
  • Sanga Wara: Nohan
    Peaceful heart. Do not like to make a fuss. Moon symbol.
  • Dasa Wara: Dewa
    Clever, thoughtful, and authoritative.
  • Wuku: Krulut
    The God of Vishnu, is very intelligent, strong memory power, thoughtful, consistent in action, stoic face of suffering, rather spender, confident in everything, good fortune.
  • Lintang: Kuda
    Rather greedy nature. Many things he wanted. All decisions are difficult to change because it is a strong principle. Has a pretty deep hatred so hard to forget.
  • Purnama-Tilem: Pangelong 12
    Many activities, his words rather violent, and often happy to hang out with a woman whose mind is evil.
  • Eka Jala Resi: Suka pinanggih
    Gets happy.
  • Pararasan: Laku api
    Like angry, hot coals, said he had given origin only, not pay attention to the face of the water, dashing amusement he joked, his desire to settle quickly.
  • Panca Suda: Wisesa segara
    Love and a lot to give forgiveness. Straight attitude, the feelings, big influence.
  • Pratiti Samut Pada: Jati
    Temperament brave, loved by his boss, would be rich, honest behavior, a lot of people who love him, solidarity. Dangerous at the age of 5 days, 9 months, and 10 years. Died at Pratiti Jaramarana.