Almanac 13 August 2023 - English Desktop Version
- Tri Wara: Pasah
Jolly, happy talk, happy to lie to his friends.
- Catur Wara: Jaya
Firm stance, but like envy so difficult to get pleasure.
- Panca Wara: Umanis
Dare to speak, Love arbitrary actions.
- Sad Wara: Tungleh
Glad lie, do embarrassing. Always undecided. Not suitable crops the harvested leaves.
- Sapta Wara: Redite
If you do things that are important, it did not work very well. Not happy if anyone insulted. Glad to charity.
- Asta Wara: Guru
Light-minded. Pitied people. People needed his advice.
- Sanga Wara: Dangu
Rather stupid. Although diligent study, but he is hard to be clever. Stone emblem.
- Dasa Wara: Pandita
Glad to be of cleanliness. Clever and wise.
- Wuku: Langkir
The God of Kala, temperament tempered, less calculation, arrogant, stubborn, greedy, powerful stance and firm, principled, courageous in the truth.
- Lintang: Kala Sungsang
Behavior such as pastors, happy studying science and religion Tattwa, and staunchly loyal to his opinion, is not happy overcome. Every decision can not be changed, yet like charity. Smart lure friends and good at keeping secrets.
- Purnama-Tilem: Pangelong 12
Many activities, his words rather violent, and often happy to hang out with a woman whose mind is evil.
- Eka Jala Resi: Buat suka
Can be happy.
- Pararasan: Laku pandita sakti
Quiet/calm, lightly feelings, clever, happy with the quack science, sometimes a bit arrogant, like to be praised, through literature he became famous.
- Panca Suda: Sumur sinaba
Like to bring relief, gentle heart, loving, generous, sincere charity.
- Pratiti Samut Pada: Bhawa
Brave, somewhat rarely sleep, love the family, often find it difficult, sometimes has a mind of greed, righteous behavior. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 2 months, 8 months, and 9 years old. Died at Pratiti Jati.