Horoscope Forecast 20 January 2024 - English Desktop Version
- Tri Wara: Beteng
Clever perform worship.
- Catur Wara: Jaya
Firm stance, but like envy so difficult to get pleasure.
- Panca Wara: Umanis
Dare to speak, Love arbitrary actions.
- Sad Wara: Was
Jolly, good and suitable lure animals in the forest. Has a mind and a broad outlook.
- Sapta Wara: Saniscara
His mind is good, it should be so careful. Wise, so it would make a great protector.
- Asta Wara: Guru
Light-minded. Pitied people. People needed his advice.
- Sanga Wara: Ogan
Like other people's possessions. If you can control yourself can be a good person. Caterpillars symbol.
- Dasa Wara: Sri
Glad to help others. Have the nature of love.
- Wuku: Tolu
The Bayu god, heart and forceful, friendly in the association, steadfast, broad-minded, responsible for the work, good fortune, generous, like praise.
- Lintang: Begoong
Not happy with too much theory. Want proof or fact works. His speech is somewhat hard but smart adjust to the situation. Glad praised what has been produced through the reality of work.
- Purnama-Tilem: Penanggal 10
Often forgetful, but lively and happy with kindness.
- Eka Jala Resi: Suka pinanggih
Gets happy.
- Pararasan: Laku bulan
Perceptive and intelligent, any job can be, loved by people, sometimes feel a lazy, able to live happy.
- Panca Suda: Bumi kepetak
Lazy traveling, persist in principle, any diligent work, firm / steady doing its job, have a desire imprisoned.
- Pratiti Samut Pada: Wedana
Carpentry expert, would be rich, polite in attitude, like charity, have a clean mind. Dangerous at the age of 2 days, 10 days, 2 months, 8 months, and 8 years old. Died at Pratiti Tresna.