Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Almanac 21 May 2023 - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 21 May 2023
  • Eka Wara: -
  • Dwi Wara: Menga
  • Tri Wara: Pasah
    Jolly, happy talk, happy to lie to his friends.
  • Catur Wara: Sri
    Glad flattering/praise. His heart is peaceful and clean.
  • Panca Wara: Paing
    Diligent, but often stunned/daydreaming. However, serious volition.
  • Sad Wara: Tungleh
    Glad lie, do embarrassing. Always undecided. Not suitable crops the harvested leaves.
  • Sapta Wara: Redite
    If you do things that are important, it did not work very well. Not happy if anyone insulted. Glad to charity.
  • Asta Wara: Sri
    Have a good mind, prosperous, not lack of food and beverages.
  • Sanga Wara: Dangu
    Rather stupid. Although diligent study, but he is hard to be clever. Stone emblem.
  • Dasa Wara: Sri
    Glad to help others. Have the nature of love.
  • Wuku: Sinta
    The Yamadipati god, hard temperament, fast offended, angry, jealous, how to get along friendly, refined manners, always helping people trouble, fortune enough, all the work can be done well.
  • Lintang: Gajah
    Glad lustful romance. Smart attract sympathy and friends. If the difficulty is only stored in the liver. Firmly holds the secret of making it harder known by friends. Rigid with his opinion but many have a loyal friend.
  • Purnama-Tilem: Penanggal 2
    Many children, many friends, a bit of favoritism, good but sometimes forgetful.
  • Eka Jala Resi: Suka pinanggih
    Gets happy.
  • Pararasan: Laku bulan
    Perceptive and intelligent, any job can be, loved by people, sometimes feel a lazy, able to live happy.
  • Panca Suda: Wisesa segara
    Love and a lot to give forgiveness. Straight attitude, the feelings, big influence.
  • Pratiti Samut Pada: Separsa
    Like to exchange ideas, clever speech, will be rich, arrogant, sometimes envy, a lot of talent. Dangerous at the age of 2 days, 5 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Wedana.