Almanac 26 September 2023 - English Desktop Version
- Eka Wara: Luang
Silent, airy.
- Tri Wara: Kajeng
Happy talk and wasteful so often get into trouble.
- Catur Wara: Jaya
Firm stance, but like envy so difficult to get pleasure.
- Panca Wara: Keliwon
Happy working on the building.
- Sad Wara: Urukung
Often forgotten. Good/suitable to be a hunter, but not to destroy the forest.
- Sapta Wara: Anggara
Do not do heavy work / important because it will cause trouble if not careful once. Diligent work although the heavy moreover light.
- Asta Wara: Kala
His mind was greedy. Like making people suffer distress.
- Sanga Wara: Dadi
Whatever done always successfully. Always lucky. Wood tree symbol.
- Dasa Wara: Pati
Finding the ups and downs.
- Wuku: Tambir
The God of Shiva, His personality is very secret, it is difficult to understand his will, likes to meddle in the affairs of others, consequently, he said sharply, often hurt others with words, brave to face the trials of life, good fortune once but very stingy.
- Lintang: Depat
Very smart-spoken and diplomatic. However it is very selective in issuing its opinion. Be generous to others but sometimes often expressed his gift. Glad to find fault with others.
- Purnama-Tilem: Penanggal 12
Happy and excited when they succeed, but sometimes assume anything for granted.
- Eka Jala Resi: Kinasihan amerta
Got livelihood.
- Pararasan: Aras tuding
Happy and brave traveling at night, dashing and courageous, likes to sell his goods, like the property of others, sometimes with long, unruly desires.
- Panca Suda: Sumur sinaba
Like to bring relief, gentle heart, loving, generous, sincere charity.
- Pratiti Samut Pada: Awidya
Long life, rarely get into trouble, all of which work well done. When having difficulty quickly solved, quite a treasure. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Saskara.