Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Almanac 29 May 2023 - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 29 May 2023
  • Eka Wara: -
  • Dwi Wara: Menga
  • Tri Wara: Kajeng
    Happy talk and wasteful so often get into trouble.
  • Catur Wara: Sri
    Glad flattering/praise. His heart is peaceful and clean.
  • Panca Wara: Keliwon
    Happy working on the building.
  • Sad Wara: Urukung
    Often forgotten. Good/suitable to be a hunter, but not to destroy the forest.
  • Sapta Wara: Soma
    Suitable job is farming. Not evil (patient), loyal, and loving favor. But less intelligent so often sad.
  • Asta Wara: Sri
    Have a good mind, prosperous, not lack of food and beverages.
  • Sanga Wara: Erangan
    Wise, but often angry. Anger that often make the effort failed. The sun symbol.
  • Dasa Wara: Suka
    Often get pleasure or happiness.
  • Wuku: Landep
    The God of Mahadeva, private individuals are always open, good fortune, good at relationships, loved by friends of his garden, all orders must be followed and implemented, sometimes it is not consistent, and has always been protective of each person.
  • Lintang: Pedati
    Can act according to the situation, so as to attract attention or sympathy. But of this action is also often cause greeting understand. When angry quickly subsides as happy to forgive. Like charity and temperament are often influenced by their relatives.
  • Purnama-Tilem: Penanggal 10
    Often forgetful, but lively and happy with kindness.
  • Eka Jala Resi: Buat suka
    Can be happy.
  • Pararasan: Aras kembang
    Easy to solve the problem, it is difficult to get descent, many friends, lack of attention to the interests of the family, much better implementation of public interest.
  • Panca Suda: Satria wirang
    Grumpy, sometimes have a cold heart, shy, though he did good eventually become worse, lack of self-control.
  • Pratiti Samut Pada: Jati
    Temperament brave, loved by his boss, would be rich, honest behavior, a lot of people who love him, solidarity. Dangerous at the age of 5 days, 9 months, and 10 years. Died at Pratiti Jaramarana.