Horoscope Forecast 9 December 2023 - English Desktop Version
- Eka Wara: Luang
Silent, airy.
- Tri Wara: Beteng
Clever perform worship.
- Catur Wara: Sri
Glad flattering/praise. His heart is peaceful and clean.
- Panca Wara: Wage
Glad lie. Do not want to be aware of her shortcomings. Less loyal. But likes to work and build.
- Sad Wara: Was
Jolly, good and suitable lure animals in the forest. Has a mind and a broad outlook.
- Sapta Wara: Saniscara
His mind is good, it should be so careful. Wise, so it would make a great protector.
- Asta Wara: Sri
Have a good mind, prosperous, not lack of food and beverages.
- Sanga Wara: Jangur
Evil. Brash (reckless). Glad do people suffer/hard. Tigers emblem
- Dasa Wara: Duka
Often get troubled or sad.
- Wuku: Dukut
The God of Varuna, actions are always vigilant and careful, thoughtful, polite, gentle words, a sharp mind, a bit arrogant, fortune enough, a bit stingy, very responsible.
- Lintang: Puwuh Atarung
Very much concerned about other people. Very generous behavior as not appreciate its own to kepentingana friends. Happy studying and not happy ruled. What should be done out of his own conscience. Less happy promised when not in accordance with reality.
- Purnama-Tilem: Pangelong 12
Many activities, his words rather violent, and often happy to hang out with a woman whose mind is evil.
- Eka Jala Resi: Sida kasobagian
Gets happy.
- Pararasan: Laku bintang
Quiet, gentle heart, can not stand literacy, valuable speech, difficulty prevented his will, have not you had the idea to trade.
- Panca Suda: Satria wirang
Grumpy, sometimes have a cold heart, shy, though he did good eventually become worse, lack of self-control.
- Pratiti Samut Pada: Saskara
Long life, rich, many friends, often encounter difficulties. Dangerous at the age of 8 days, 8 months, dna 8 years. Died at Pratiti Widnyana.