Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Horoscope 16 August 2024, Sukra Keliwon Tolu - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 16 August 2024
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Sukra Keliwon)
    Lintang Udang, What do always attract the sympathy of others, so that is loved by many people. Faithful to what he was saying. Good at keeping secrets, like studying religion, yet not be able to control lust.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Tolu)
    The Bayu god, heart and forceful, friendly in the association, steadfast, broad-minded, responsible for the work, good fortune, generous, like praise.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Leo)
    Character is more emotional than using the mind, so often involved problim romance. You should think more before you act in order to increase the life of brilliant. Her partner Aries, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Jati)
    Temperament brave, loved by his boss, would be rich, honest behavior, a lot of people who love him, solidarity. Dangerous at the age of 5 days, 9 months, and 10 years. Died at Pratiti Jaramarana.