Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

The forecast character 10 July 2018, Anggara Umanis Krulut - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 10 July 2018
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Anggara Umanis)
    Lintang Kuda, Rather greedy nature. Many things he wanted. All decisions are difficult to change because it is a strong principle. Has a pretty deep hatred so hard to forget.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Krulut)
    The God of Vishnu, is very intelligent, strong memory power, thoughtful, consistent in action, stoic face of suffering, rather spender, confident in everything, good fortune.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Cancer)
    Firm and steady in the establishment and attitude. Always be careful. To be more advanced, you should expand relationships within the community. You are very sensitive, it is not easy to forget all the events. Her partner Scorpio and Pisces.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Upadana)
    Brave, love to the community, like sleep, without the direction of behavior, speech fun, generous, easy to get a job. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 2 months, and 9 years old. Died at Pratiti Bhawa.