Primbon Bali Agung

Ancestral Heritage Library

Character Birth 16 July 2017, Redite Paing Ugu - English Desktop Version
Your birth day:

Birth day of 16 July 2017
  • Influence of the Wewaran (Redite Paing)
    Lintang Gajah, Glad lustful romance. Smart attract sympathy and friends. If the difficulty is only stored in the liver. Firmly holds the secret of making it harder known by friends. Rigid with his opinion but many have a loyal friend.
  • Influence of the Wuku (Ugu)
    The God of Singajalma, All actions cautious, but very careless and reckless, less jaunty, often alone, lofty ideals and ambition to get ahead, he felt a sharp and smooth.
  • Influence of the Horoscope (Cancer)
    Firm and steady in the establishment and attitude. Always be careful. To be more advanced, you should expand relationships within the community. You are very sensitive, it is not easy to forget all the events. Her partner Scorpio and Pisces.
  • Influence of the Pratiti (Awidya)
    Long life, rarely get into trouble, all of which work well done. When having difficulty quickly solved, quite a treasure. Dangerous at the age of 9 days, 9 months and 9 years. Died at Pratiti Saskara.